Biscoff Cheesecake

Dive into the luxurious world of Biscoff Cheesecake, where the distinctive caramel flavor of Biscoff meets the indulgent richness of chocolate. This cheesecake is perfect for those who love their desserts to be as visually impressive as they are delicious. With a chocolate Biscoff biscuit base and a creamy Biscoff spread filling, each slice offers a symphony of textures and tastes that are sure to delight any dessert aficionado.


For the Base:

  • About 14 chocolate-covered Biscoff biscuits
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted

For the Cheesecake:

  • 3 cups cream cheese (approximately 24 ounces)
  • 1 cup double cream
  • 2/3 cup caster sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 1/3 cups Biscoff spread
  • 1/3 cup dark chocolate, melted

For Decoration:

  • 1/2 cup whipped cream
  • 6 chocolate-covered Biscoff biscuits


  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Line the base of a springform tin with greaseproof paper to ensure easy removal after the cheesecake sets.
    • Crush the chocolate-covered Biscoff biscuits into fine crumbs. Mix these crumbs with melted butter, and press the mixture evenly into the bottom of the tin. This creates a firm, flavorful foundation for your cheesecake.
  2. Mix the Filling:
    • In a large mixing bowl, blend the cream cheese, double cream, caster sugar, and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth and free of lumps.
    • Gently fold in the Biscoff spread and melted dark chocolate, incorporating them thoroughly to ensure a uniform flavor throughout the cheesecake.
  3. Assemble and Chill:
    • Pour the cheesecake filling over the prepared base, using a spatula to smooth the top.
    • Refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 4 hours, though overnight chilling is recommended for the best texture and flavor development.
  4. Decorate and Serve:
    • Once set, garnish the cheesecake with whipped cream and halved chocolate-covered Biscoff biscuits for a touch of elegance and extra crunch.
    • Slice and serve chilled, allowing the flavors to shine through beautifully.

Preparation Time

  • Prep Time: 45 minutes
  • Chill Time: At least 4 hours
  • Total Time: About 4 hours 45 minutes


  • Ingredient Temperature: For a smoother, more homogenous texture, ensure that all your ingredients, especially the cream cheese, are at room temperature before beginning.
  • Setting Time: To achieve the perfect set and consistency, it is advisable to chill the cheesecake overnight in the refrigerator.
  • Serving Suggestion: Serve this decadent cheesecake on special occasions or as a luxurious treat to impress guests or indulge yourself.

This Biscoff Cheesecake combines the unique flavor of Biscoff with the richness of chocolate, creating a dessert that’s not just a treat for the palate but also a feast for the eyes. Its creamy texture and rich flavor profile make it a standout addition to any dessert table. Enjoy crafting this delightful cheesecake and savor each decadent bite!

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